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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Remembrance Day

I'm not usually political in my posts, but doesn't everyone have some patriotic pride emerge on Veterans Day? I won't get too bogged down with jargen or hype because it annoys when I see other people feel the need to jump on the "oh yeah, thanks vets" wagon in terms of facebook statuses and twitter updates. I guess I really shouldn't be so skeptical of their intentions.
For an interesting perspective on this day, also known as Remebrance Day in other countries, please read my cousin Phoebe's blog. Click here. She is currently studying at Oxford and has learned a new perspective about this "holiday." I remember the somber significance of Remembrance Day when I lived in Ireland and I was grateful to read Phoebe's post for the reminder that Veterans Day is about more than sales and parades.
All I want to say really is that I'm extremely grateful for the sacrifices that have been made by my family members to serve our country. My cousin Cory (active Marine) and his wife and three children; my Uncle Steve. My deceased family members: great-Grandpa Colonel Herbert Gish (Army) and his family who was at home while he served in WWI and WWII; Great-Great-Uncle Milton (Army); Great-Great-Aunt Mildred (Navy); and my much loved Grandad Frank Anderson (Army) and my Grandma Mary Jo for supporting him from home during WWII.

Here is a picture of my Grandad in France during WWII. I'm very proud.


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