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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Acts 13:14-15, NIV

On the Sabbath they entered the synagogue and sat down. After the reading from the Law and the Prophets, the synagogue rulers sent word to them, saying, "Brothers, if you have a message of encouragement for the people, please speak."

I like these church services. I love sharing time with other believers. I think that the most powerful thing for us to do in order to show true, honest authenticity to nonbelievers is to share our stories. The story of God in our lives. Don't leave out any details, it's those specifics that God allowed to happen in order to touch another heart. I've seen this first-hand in my small group of late. When one woman shared her testimony, sparing no information, it resulted in one of the breakthroughs of a new face who has now felt more comfortable in our group. In fact, this new young woman said that she was intimidated by our group when she first met us. She said we all seemed to have it together and was worried that we might judge her if we knew her imperfect past. When she heard the authenticity of one of our stories, she realized that it's not that we're perfect, it's that God has given us new life and we have chosen to live as best we can to His will.

So never hesitate to speak up and share you story, no matter what the personal outcome might be, because it will most likely bless and minister to more people than you can imagine. Glory to God alone!


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