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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

John 14:13-14, The Message

"From now on, whatever you request along the lines of who I am and what I am doing, I'll do it. That's how the Father will be seen for who he is in the Son. I mean it. Whatever you request in this way, I'll do."

Pray for big things. Pray confidently for big things. Don't be brazen and selfishly "name it and claim it" -- remember the reason that we're alive is to glorify God (not necessarily get a raise, new car, bigger house, perfect body, good health, etc.). But also, don't be timid, doubtful, or afraid to ask for anything.

If we followup each request we make to God with "if it's Your will" then aren't we just giving Him a way out or a hall pass in case He doesn't answer it? More importantly, doesn't that phrase reveal a lack of faith in us? What's wrong with praying the big prayers?

I think a critical difference is between praying for something "if it's God's will" and then praying for something "in accordance with God's will." Let me clarify. I can timidly ask God to give me a boyfriend "if it's His will" and then, when I find myself still single the next day, I can console myself with the fact that it must just not be God's will for me to be with someone. On the flip side, I can boldly ask God to bring a man into my life because I believe that, in accordance with His will for me to serve Him all my days, He doesn't desire for me to be alone and has a partner in mind for me. And, if I wake up the next day and find that I'm still single, I pray again.

Maybe that wasn't the best example. But anyway - make a list today of things that you desire in order to serve God better. Ask Him for them. Boldly and with faith. Keep an open heart and attentive spirit to how God might answer that prayer.


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