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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Psalm 143:8a, The Message

If you wake me each morning with the sound of your loving voice,
I'll go to sleep each night trusting in you.

I know that I just used this verse, but I wanted to use it again! I had to adjust my monthly "sacrifice" because I was oversleeping almost everyday! So, now I am waking up to the TV but I'm still not falling asleep watching it. I feel okay about it since I'm not really watching the TV in the morning, it simply helps my brain arise from the depths of slumber.

What I really want to spend my free time and evening time doing is reading. It's a little hard because I have a large stack of books looming in my face that I am required to read for one reason or another. Sometimes that takes the fun out of it, you know, when it's an assignment. Anyway, I'm working hard to schedule more time in my day for reading.

What else in my life is a requirement and, thus, makes me resent it? An activity that I would otherwise enjoy? Let's not rob ourselves of joy and make our "requirements" become such "obligations." Especially when it comes to our spiritual responsibilities.


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