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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Psalm 34:11, NIV

"Come, my children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD."

When I lived in Ireland, retreats were a priority for the entire staff. Since we were all working in full-time ministry, the need for rest, silence, encouragement, and spiritual nourishment were never ignored. Why do we forsake this need in our lives today?

Maybe I'm wrong and you are good at scheduling yourself frequent get-a-ways that are based around a spiritual retreat concept - but I have a feeling that you're not. I know this because it's an American mindset that we all either have to (a) work continuously to get where we want to be with what we want to have and stopping will only prolong the life we have to have, or (b) we have somehow earned or deserve the right to indulge ourselves with expensive vacations that are filled with activity and, ultimately, hardly relaxing.

This is so backwards, especially for Christians! I believe a spiritual retreat can be no more than a two-hour drive away to sit at a lake and read - or - a "fast" from technology and time of silence so you can hear God. You don't have to physically get away, but you do have to spiritually welcome what God might say - and ask Him to speak.

You might be surprised at the outcome.

I'm excited about my scheduled retreat in two weeks. I'm going to visit some family in Portland and use that time as a break from technology so my spirit can be at ease and clear to hear from the Lord. I feel like He's been speaking very specific things to my heart and it's important to me that I don't pursue them until I can sit in the lap of my Father for a couple days and seek His voice for further confirmation.

Plan a "retreat" for you and God. Let me know what happens.


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