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Thursday, September 17, 2009

To TV or not TV

On weeknights when I come home (which is usually around 9pm or 10pm), the updates of my friends on Facebook and Twitter make me feel two things, and those two things contradict each other. I guess this is the proof of my struggle with balancing emotions!

Numero 1) I resent the fact that I'm too busy/involved watch tv. I want to be lazy and relax just like everyone else!!

Numero 2) When I come home from spending precious time with my best friends/leading a weekly biblestudy/babysitting for free for another small group/investing in friendships, I inevitably log onto facebook or twitter and about 80% of the updates are regarding the shows of the night. I can't help but puff myself up and congratulate myself on how I'm not wasting my life away in front of the tube.

Yikes, my judgmental and conceited attitude really came through in that last one. Honesty--yeesh!

Well, my back-and-forth battle with these two thoughts has continued in the last couple weeks. While I don't think there is anything wrong with a night at home to "veg out," I definitely think that you can relax just as much with one or two friends over. Then at least you're "vegging out" in community. Controversy, if you are out of the house and just too busy to sit still, make sure you don't become so self-righteous and judgmental that you alienating people.

Luke 6:37, "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned."


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