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Monday, November 16, 2009

Genesis 22:14, NLT

Abraham named the place Yahweh-Yireh (which means “the Lord will provide”). To this day, people still use that name as a proverb: “On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.”

One of the many things I remember from my years in Sunday school and bible memorization programs for students is the study I did in high school on the names of God. Jehovah-Jireh is the one I remember the most as I have always felt it was the name/characteristic of God that was easiest for me to grasp.

God has been good to me by providing for my needs. Perhaps not always in the drastic way that He did for Abraham in the Old Testament, but nonetheless, I have very little needs in this temporary world and I credit that blessing to my heavenly Father.

I'm preparing to leave for India this week and wondering at how my privileged American mindset will handle the concept of a God who is a Provider and the face that I will be faced with drastic physical needs in a way I never have before.

Does God really provide for those people? Can I really tell them that my God (who has blessed me with a nice car, apartment, and job) wants to provide for them without getting their expectations to out-of-wack?

I suppose God's characteristic of being a Provider isn't as easy to understand as I first thought.

Lord, please teach me to understand that Your provision doesn't always mean comfort, stress-free living, and bills that are paid. Please allow me to have a broken heart for the needs of this world so that I don't become faithless and doubt that You are Who you say You are - a Provider. Thank you for tearing down my haughtiness and continually molding me. Allow me to use my resources to join in your Team of Provision. Thank you for the opportunity to join You in what You're doing around the world.


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