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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Psalm 19:1-2, New International Version

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.

We had realllly bad weather last night and today in Dallas. On facebook most of the status updates that I saw all morning were complaints about the rain. The rain was inconvenient, it caused damage, it kept people from getting rest, etc. Granted, it wasn't helpful that a tree branch from my neighbor's backyard cracked one of my kitchen windows, or that I was 15 minutes late for work because traffic lights were out, but I genuinely like the rain and like the storms. I'm so glad God created earth to work the way it does - there is so much you can parallel between weather and God.

The rain is relaxing and refreshing to me - it provides nourishment to the earth and the water cleans what's dirty. God's Spirit is the same way when it surprises us with a downpour of emotions and a rejuvenated landscape/outlook .

Everyone knows that storms come in life. An unexpected death, illnesses, accidents and problems with relationships. The results of the storms can be long lasting, or the storm itself can be the scariest part.

Whether is a spiritual storm or spiritual downpour - I hope you remember God's rainbow promise of faithfulness and find hope. If the sky is gray, just look to the Son.


Grace said...

Wonderfully written! I couldn't agree more!

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