If you're like me, then as you age, mature, and reflect on your life you realize how much your parents did for you that you were never aware of before. You realize the sacrifices they made of their own time and needs in order to accommodate your own. The reality of the amount of prayer and decisions (and probably arguments and heartache too) they put into your life becomes a flooring revelation. I wonder if I will ever reach the point in my life where I feel like I fully grasp everything my parents did for me as a baby, as a child, as a teen, and continually as an adult too. Probably not.
In the same way - how much more can I look back at the path my life has taken and see all that God has done for me?
He created us from the inmost, He's provided for us with the physical things and guided us to life everlasting through spiritual places. I'm in awe.
I know that my awareness and appreciation of my parents is encouraging to them and I'm sure that they are thrilled to know that their love and faithfulness has always revealed more to me about God than they realize.